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Institute for Tolerance Studies' Educational Programs
focus on issues of diversity, antisemitism and understanding of cultural differences
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The History
The Institute for Tolerance Studies, a 501-c-3 organization established in 2005 by Ron Duncan Hart and Gloria Abella Ballen with the assistance of Ira Schlezinger and Fa Abrantes-Pais to provide a venue for research, publishing, and learning.
The Institute for Tolerance Studies was organized with the purpose of promoting social justice, tolerance, respect, and acceptance between people of diverse backgrounds, addressing issues of antisemitism, intolerance, racism, hatred and bigotry.
In 2007 we initiated a series of lectures under the name of Jewish University in Oklahoma City and later renewed in Santa Fe. Helene Harpman and Misha Klein among others were important collaborators with the early lectures in Oklahoma City.
In 2007 we also published the initial books addressing issues of diversity and tolerance. One was
Subsequently, the offices of the Institute for Tolerance Studies were transferred to Santa Fe, New Mexico with its special tradition of tolerance and diversity. In Santa Fe Yehuda and Nurit Patt, Pat Shapiro, Camilla Mandler, and others volunteered to assist in the public programs until those were stopped by the Covid pandemic.
In recent years the support of donors in Santa Fe and across the United States has permitted us to transform the Distinguished Lectures from a local series of lectures to an international online lecture series with leading international scholars and an audience that spreads from Australia across the United States and Canada to the U.K. and Israel.
Bonnie Ellinger, Marcia Torobin, and others have been important collaborators as we transformed the lecture series to the new programming format. We appreciate the collaborators who have contributed time and effort to make the Lecture Series successful.
Thank you to the donors this year who have contributed
to make these programs free and open to the public.
We appreciate the more than 100 authors and speakers and 100s of people in films
who have contributed their information and insights to Institute for Tolerance Studies to address these issues of diversity since 2007
Programs of the Institute for Tolerance Studies
Digital Resources
Distinguished Lecture Series
For more information contact:
Ron Duncan Hart, Executive Director
The Programs of the Institute for Tolerance Studies depend on the generosity of donors like you.
Donate to Events of the
Institute for Tolerance Studies
by writing to ron@tolerancestudies.org
calling 505.920.7771
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through PayPal: